澳门皇冠赌场平台的学生应定期和连续出席所有的讲座, 实验室, 以及他们在一个学期内注册和注册的研讨会课程. 课堂出勤率是学生智力发展的重要组成部分, 成功, 留用和及时毕业 . 每门课程的具体出勤政策见课程大纲, 在学期的第一周,每堂课上分发的是什么. 它是, 因此, the responsibility of each student to know the attendance policy of each teacher in whose class she/he is enrolled. Failure to comply with the stated attendance policy will undoubtedly jeopardize the grade in the course.
除了, Title IV federal guidelines mandate that institutions receiving federal aid regularly verify student class attendance to ensure that all awarded federal aid monies are used for educational purposes.
学校的政策严格要求学生上课出勤. 在每门课程中, students who miss more than ten percent (10%) of the scheduled class meetings (including labs) due to unexcused absences will be in danger of failing the course. 每周上三次课, the number of unexcused absences is five class sessions; for a class that meets twice a week, three class sessions; and for a class that meets once per week, 两节课. 更严格的要求也可以适用, 如个别教练所述, 在各自的课程大纲中. 理解每位老师的要求是学生的责任. 大学行政管理, 与此政策一致, 一般不出具请假书吗.
(1) 出席 is defined in this policy statement as the physical presence (participation for distance education courses) of the student in the classroom for the entire scheduled class time. 迟到可被视为无故缺席. (2)无理由缺勤是指所有未经注册医生/护士批准的缺勤, 负责这门课程的教员, 和/或教务长或其指定人员.
菲斯克考勤政策适用于所有注册学生. Individual faculty members can choose to make the policy more rigorous but in no case should they be more lenient than the University policy stated above. 偶尔,学生可能会因为紧急情况(健康、事故等)而缺课.)或其他无法控制的迫不得已情况. 这样的学生必须证明, 有适当的文档, 返校后48小时内不得有计划外缺勤. 除了, there are occasions when students may be absent from campus in connection with sanctioned University activities such as athletic competitions, 学术比赛, 音乐会或会议演讲. 在这种情况下, students are required to notify their faculty instructor prior to the scheduled class that they will miss and make up for work missed. 在所有情况下, 教务长可以, 由他/她自行决定, 给教员发一份备忘录,允许学生补课. 在这种情况下, instructors can assign reasonable and relevant compensatory work for excused absences at a time mutually convenient to both the student and the instructor. 然而,这样的备忘录, do not constitute excuses from class and students remain bound at all time by the absolute maximum of ten percent (10%) absence rate in any particular class.
异常s to the ten percent (10%) absence rate policy may only be made by the Provost in consultation with the course instructor. 异常s may only be considered when the student is performing at a high level of competence in the course, 当过度缺勤的原因(例如.g.、住院、家庭紧急情况等.) are such that it would clearly not have been possible for the student to attend the required ninety percent (90%) of class meetings.